Jan 17, 2012


My latest story, shoot in December, in Myanmar, is now live in PadPlaces. Here is a presentation.

If you think of Burma like golden pagodas, saffron monks and political trouble, well, think again! There is a subtle revolution taking place in the country that no military or political power can control, also because is starting in their own households, with their own sons. Globalization is setting in the new generations with the regional pace, that means fast. As a lady from the Burmese exiled elite was noticing "skirts are going from ankle to groin forgetting the knees".
For the moment it is largely concentrated in the main cities, but is involving all social classes. The Iron Cross hard rock band has is supporters in every social group (buying Chines clothes, jeans, make up is very cheap) and the transformation can bypass the political control to change society from it's roots.

Fashion, cinema, music, shopping trends are redefining  the inner core of the national soul, and the recent political openings will be probably the entrance for an avalanche that will change this country forever.

For an insight to the future preparing it's ground you can give a look to my story, in PadPlaces (The Other Burma).

Also, available for free, is a presentation of my forthcoming TPW workshops for 2012.

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